This past weekend ruled so hard. Friday morning Mark, Nick, Garrett and I headed down to Richmond for United Blood. Everyone was so crazy and excited both days, and every band was so good. My highlights were definitely Title Fight, Bad Seed, War Hungry, Have Heart, Ceremony, Cold World, & Trapped Under Ice. The back of my head is still really sore and hurts a lot. We slept in Garrett's van and ate a lot of wawa. I got wh and ceremony shirts and a neat bad seed print that is on a paper bag. People were going crazy jumping off the balcony and some dude broke a water pipe and flooded the venue so we had to go outside for an hour. Seeing some of the band's sets really makes me want to start listening to them more. We got back to umbc around 3 and got to bed around 4. On Sunday I had my SEB interview and I feel really bad about it. I've been feeling sick and I was so tired. If I don't get it I won't beat myself up over it though. College has definitely killed my immune system because I have gotten this groggy, stuffy sick so much this year and I never have before. Yestrday Mark and I had the laziest day, just sitting around, eating chinese food, and napping. We went to my house to pick up stuff and then went over Dan's to hang out with him, Rob, Lindsay, & Jason. We watched the new Jim Gaffigan special which was so funny and played scene it. Our potential senior week place looks awesome and we talked about lots of fun things to do! It got really late so I just spent the night at Mark's. Ugh another busy week has already started..
I cant wait til june!